The Power of Choice, Commitment & Collaboration: Message of the Week from the Third Mary

When you insist upon Truth, you know its value and can act upon it more readily.

When you insist upon Light, you show yourself moving beyond space and time, coming closer to revealing service directly.

And when you choose Order and/or Union, you allow their binding, their melding, to organize your experience in such a way that you carry your burdens more lightly, and allow your life experiences to transpire through Peace.

Whenever two or more come together to create in the Realm of Embodiment of the Way while upon the Earth plane, its establishment allows more and more Light, Truth, Order, Union, to be experienced by many others. This is always the way when one appoints their Highest Self, their Soul Seed, their Path of Light, to take precedence before other aspects of their Beingness, and allows many powerful potentials to exist within human matter.

Whenever I describe such things, I cannot help but be overjoyed because I know that MANY are choosing Light/Order/Truth/Union as their dominant purpose to set forth in this lifetime from a new vantage point, one that knows that the old tales of good and evil, pain and suffering, are dying out and being replaced by the Truth Beyond illusion, and the experience of Divine Flow into Matter.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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Giving Thanks & Original Connection Remembrance

On this day of heightened opportunities for gratitude, I want to thank all of you who read and follow this blog, all who have been a part of the creation of The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, all that has helped me connect with the energy of the Third Mary, and all of the love, grace and insights she shares with me and us.

I am so honored to be a steward to her sharing, and to sharing Sacred Feminine energies, and am so fulfilled by this and the ongoing growth required.

The Third Mary’s Original Connection Remembrance process has brought me such visceral experience of my origins in Heaven and Earth. I so look forward to sharing more of her work with you, and to teaching others how to use this process for themselves.

In keeping with the season’s spirit of giving, I’m offering an Original Connection Remembrance session by love donation to the first 3 people who respond in the next 3 days. This can be facilitated either in person or at a distance, by Dec. 31, 2014. You can click here to learn more about OCR, and contact me at for scheduling.

And on December 22nd, I’m sharing Bringing Your Truth to Light: An Evening with the Third Mary, which will include training in OCR, as well as messages for each participant and the group from the Third Mary and more self-empowerment processes. Please click here for more information.

As each of us bring our unique Divinity more fully present in our bodies and lives, we anchor and integrate the Divine more fully with the Earth plane, literally assisting the presencing of Heaven on Earth. I thank you for your part in this awakening consciousness, and and look forward to sharing OCR and more vibration-raising activities with you over these next days, weeks, and new year!

In gratitude,

Roslyn Elena McGrath

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Suggestions for Living: Message for the Week

Good morning Dear One! I am Mo-Ray of the Archangelic Kingdom, “the Third Mary,” Mother of the Lady Mary Magdalene, Speaker of Truth, Show-er of the Way, and Delineator of all Aspects of Consciousness that Carry the Light Forward Into Union.

I have come today to suggest three things—Living Truthfully, as a mirror of one’s own unique Divine Nature, Living Fully, as a member of the Planetary Re-memberance of Wholeness Within/Without, and Living Love’s Full Freedom, in Oneness with All-that-Is.

The Lady Mary Magdalene took every opportunity to empower herself to be one with such experience. She lived her Truth most fully, as do I through your participation in my communication experience. She impacted many greatly and continues to do so through the ethers. She allowed herself to be used as a vehicle for many levels and dimensions of experience to express themselves here. When she walked through a forest, it knew her, and responded to her most meaningfully. She could call upon the forces of nature to assist her in her calling to partner with Jesus the Christ in helping humanity move toward Union. . . .

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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Message of the Week: About the Mother of Jesus

I knew Mary, Jesus’s mother, from my dreams first, and also dim memories of our times together in the Swing Between the Worlds.

She was a Shining One too. She foretold her role through the eons to me both in dreams and in private moments in person. She recognized me as well.

I will never forget her beautiful smile when we first met in person. The smell of roses was subtly with her even then, and she knew I had recognized her too. We embraced and experienced one another’s soul nature even more strongly.

She truly is a Queen of Heaven beyond that which any words can describe, and I would have willingly laid down my life for hers at any moment had this been necessary, even with my purpose of training the Lady Mary Magdalene, for I knew she could fill that role too, if required.

Neither of us was yet pregnant with our girls. I had just the one young son as yet. It was a “chance” encounter. She was with a nomadic group, staying at an encampment nearby. We met at the waters. She told me she would return again when her foretold son was three years old, that he might meet my Mary.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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Tales of Mary Magdalene’s Youth: Message for the Week

When I first discovered I was pregnant again, I had hoped it would be a daughter, for I longed for the presence of more feminine energy in our day-to-day lives, and I knew that my first daughter would focus this element sharply. I tried to communicate with her soul before I was ready to take on the responsibility of the awareness forthcoming from such, and so it took a while to become successful. However, I always knew there would be a great bond between us, even more than is usual between a mother and her first daughter, and I was aware of the great fortitude and trust this bond would necessitate.

When Mary became old enough to speak, we had delightful conversations about the natural world about us. I would tell her the names of things, and she would laugh and tell me the meanings of them. For example, “butterfly” was “bird of the flowers,” and “pine nut” was “tasty treat.”

She was always an outspoken girl, as I have mentioned before, and whenever a person showed disrespect to another, she would politely give them “what-for,” with a spark in her eyes, and a clarity of purpose that knew no hesitation.

She was also quite an observant child, and if asked, could report with great detail on the goings-on in the household, including the feelings of those involved, and on the doings in the natural world about us as well. It was a marvelous awareness, indeed.

I also wish to recount her stillness. She could sit for hours at a time, if the situation allowed for it, simply observing the world around her, as well as focusing deep inside herself. This was a trait that would serve her well in her adult life, assisting her fortitude and insight through the challenges to come.

I often wondered whether she knew what she was doing back then, whether she recognized that she was preparing for the future onslaught. It was well I did not ask her, for there were things in the foretelling I already wished I did not know, though certainly they were vitally important preparation for me as well.

I knew when I gave birth to her that the caul of darkness would eventually be lifted from all, and her essence would be there, guiding and supporting this process for eons to come, and announcing its arrival in due course, and with finality.

I despair of expressing all the earthly tales I could communicate about her. Suffice it to say for now that I am her Mother, chorot,* steward and initiator, and I am very grateful for her soul, her essence, here, now and all-ways.

*Chorot indicates first-born in Hebrew.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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Revealing Yourself: Message for the Week from the Third Mary

In the instant you reveal yourself fully to yourself, you allow the Pure Flame of Reason, Order, Truth and Exemplification of the One-Is-All-Is-One to come forward and accept its honored role in the Creation of Heaven in Earth in a visible, acceptable, and real way that suits you to a tee, and lets you know this is what you truly came for.

All is well in the Grand Design, for its “flaws” are part and parcel of its power and vice versa.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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What Is Held In My Heart that I Desire to Blossom Forth?

This is one of many questions asked by the Third Mary that I shared in the excerpt found in my last post, and the one that most held my attention.

It’s an important question to come back to regularly, as we continue to change and grow.

The blossoming of my relationship with the Third Mary continues, leading from taking down her dictation, to book creation and publishing, to book readings, blogging and offering channeled guidance sessions with her, to being learning and sharing Original Connection Rememberance, to a deepening awareness of our energy system, which is leading to some new trainings and events.

And there is more painting and writing yet to do as well!

I love going with a free flow of time, following where my interest leads, as opposed to focusing on the clock, and today, (Halloween 2014!) is a great opportunity for me to do that.

How about you? What is held in your heart that you desire to blossom forth today and in the future?

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Message for the Week from the Third Mary

I come to you through the Star Language. I am a star on many levels, coagulating materials into many shifts and phases to burn brightly and support new forms of life. I am unobstructed and orbiting my galaxy’s center. I know my ability is mainly to support the potential of the Universe to reshape itself to Earthly demands, and I like the view this brings.

If you desire faster change, accelerated transition into the new times, ask yourself, “What am I afraid of not doing?

What means more to me than the typical daily routines of living?

How do I define my character? What aspects do I most prefer to choose to bring forth?

How can I allow greater joy, ease and harmony to flow through me?

What do I need to trust in order to accomplish my most meaningful goals?

What is held in my heart that I desire to blossom forth?

Who are my relations?

How can I serve all better? What must I do next in service to all of this, while maintaining my responsibilities to my prior and most integritous, i.e. true-to-myself commitments?

Am I merely following the social dictates as I perceive them from my time and culture, or am I truly giving my authentic dreams a chance to live and breathe?

Am I nurturing the Truth within myself and all others?

Am I living my dream-following?

Am I whole right now, just as I am?

Can that be considered a matter, a vibrational level, of perception?

What are the hallmarks of living in Truth?

Shall I carry them forward or leave them behind?

What makes me want to live my Truth?

What burdens am I willing to disallow in order to do so?

Why do I hesitate in this? Is there a purpose in doing so, or am I just extending my own fears in order to justify my lack of activity on my own behalf?

I am considered a harbinger of Truth and a Show-er of the Way and a gleaner of all that is worthwhile in this Universe.

I am extremely comforted by knowing that more souls are awakening to the Truths that lie within them each and every day. I mean this quite literally. You have no idea how much growth and opportunity for development is enveloping your world right now. The Armies of Light, as some would call them, are beyond your conscious knowing, and their impact is being felt in many ways. You will soon know a Rebirth of Light upon your planet beyond the expectations of All.

I know this Truth may not seem believable now, but it soon will, and you will experience the heights of Bliss/Freedom/Love!!!!!!!

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace and Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright 2014, Roslyn McGrath

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Message of the Week: The Third Mary’s Early Vision

Good morning! I am Mo-Ray of the Archangelic Kingdom, Mother of the Lady Mary Magdalene, Speaker of Truth, Show-er of the Way and Inviter of the Good to All-That-Is.

I have come today to share with you more of my personal story, as it concerns the upbringing of Lady Mary Magdalene. I have told you of the coven. What I have not told you is that I was a High Priestess within it, and as such was responsible for overseeing much of the education of the young girls.

My own mother was such before me, and she was aware that I was foretold to be the harbinger of much good in the world, to bear precious fruit, so she was quite painstaking in her initiations of me.

Oftentimes, when I was adjusting to new frequencies, I would sit by myself a little while, in a small glade, and avail myself of the opportunity to rest my feet and simply commune with nature without any particular objective.

One such afternoon, I noticed a small frog jumping next to me. But rather than jumping away, he was simply jumping straight up and down, as if to show me something. I looked more closely and indeed, there was a small shining something, almost like a drop of dew, but not quite, and it was too late in the day for that.

Upon continued inspection, I noticed it rocking slightly to one side. I slid a small leaf under it and very carefully brought it closer to my eyes. What I saw was a tiny little being shape-shifting from one form in miniature to another—human, frog, fairy, raptor, each melding into the other in rapid succession.

And I began to notice areas around it changing with each of the being’s change of form. Before long, I began to see whole stories playing out, stories of key elements of my past and one I could only assume would be in my future.

I saw you, and I saw me. I saw the Lady Mary Magdalene as a small child, grown up and grown old. I saw elements of her story with Jesus the Christ. I saw my own role with her and with them too. I trusted my instincts and began to flow with my own sense of inner dialogue there and the stories unfolded more fully, taking on their true dimension and color now.

I was witnessing portions of my own Life Weave in story form, and noticing common themes, as well as moments that appeared specifically emphasized for me to remember more thoroughly than others.

I had the opportunity to make peace with my future, as well as my past, more than once in this process, and though it did not change the events themselves, I could more easily accept and not regret their pre-chosen nature.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace and Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright 2014, Roslyn McGrath.

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About Help Being on the Way

Help is always on the way. It may not always look the way we imagined it, or in the time frame we prefer, but the more we’re open to it, the more readily we can connect with it.

That’s not the desperate wanting of it, necessarily, though I’ve experienced that kind of miracle as well, but being in the place of feeling that yes, this is possible; yes I can imagine feeling better; yes, I actually do feel somewhat better considering this possibility;

as well as the eyes-on-the-prize “yes, the resolution is what’s coming down the pike; this is where I’m focusing my attention; this is what I’m feeling flowing through me now, even though the externals appear the same at the moment.

I’ve heard it said that if things appear negative, it’s because the story isn’t over yet. I believe that’s true.

Sometimes great persistence is required to work with oneself, to lean toward the positive, when we are unhappy with a current situation. So everything that can help us to feel more centered and balanced becomes even more meaningful.

That’s one of the reasons I’m so looking forward to sharing an energetic healing training this weekend.

I believe we all need tools to help us work with our own energy, to balance, soothe, reconnect with aspects of ourselves, accelerate self-healing and prevent increased dis-ease, so we can live our lives more fully and capably.

And it’s a wonderful gift to be able to assist others with their energy too. All with natural abilities that are literally available at our fingertips, intention and know-how.

Energetic healing is simple to learn. It’s natural to us.

It’s simply that our culture has taught us some very unnatural things, and that many of us have come, or returned, to such abilities later in life.

Recently, the Third Mary has been showing me some energy work she says is similar to what they used to do in her coven, during her lifetime as Mary Magdalene’s mother. She says it’s an updated version.

I’ve experienced this work within myself and begun sharing it, Original Connection Re-Memberance, (OCR) with others.

It helps us to connect more fully with our Original Light, the specific, individual facet  of Source from which we first came forth, and our particular, individual connection to the Core of Mother Earth.

It builds a stronger connection, a place for greater flow and communication of energies, between Heaven and Earth through our being, as part of our larger Galactic Citizenship.

It makes me feel stronger in my sense of purposefulness and ability to implement it in this dimension.

I feel this deep within me. And I really like how that feels.

I look forward to showing others how to facilitate OCR on themselves as part of An Evening with the Third Mary on December 22, 2014, which will also include a brief reading from The Third Mary, and a new channeled message from her.

Please feel free to contact me ( if you’d like to experience a session in person or remotely, as well as if you’d like more information on the December event.

And in the meantime, please know that help is always on the way.

All the very best to you!

In Love & Light,

Roslyn Elena McGrath

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