The Power of Three & the Female Trinity

Do or say something once – it is new, unique, perhaps exciting or anxiety provoking, perhaps special, seen as a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime, once-upon-a-time event, or a negative, never to be repeated experience.

Do or say something twice – you have more experience, more knowledge, more familiarity. You have seconded it, added support.

Do or say something three times – you have entered the territory of beginning-middle-end, co-creating with the Universe something of a complete being, fully stated intention a la “and so it is.” You have landed in the magic field of full creative possibilities. Three is the magic number.

Do you know how much stronger a truss/intersecting triangles is than typical perpendicular construction? A trio or trinity over a pair? It speaks of what is, was and will be, the all-time-is-one factor; the dualistic nature of our Universe and what the two aspects, “mother” and “father” birth or create together; the yin/yang which create the Tao; and the exchange of energies, the interconnection of these magical three.

Why are the mother of Jesus, his female disciple or partner, (depending on how you view this), and her mother all considered Marys?

The name Mary signified healer in those days, and each of these Marys offers healing to the world – Mother Mary known for offering her compassionate, unconditional love and solace, Mary Magdalene for blazing new pathways of possibility and passionate determination to serve a cause, and her mother, the third Mary, now making herself more widely known for sharing her wisdom and practical advice. The mother, maiden and crone, so very interwoven in their lives and purpose, create a Female Trinity that we may call forth for support.

I invite you to invoke their grace and power into your life. Call upon this Female Trinity to witness and aid your journey, in matters both big and small, and note the changes.

Blessed be.

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Re-Membering and the Triumvirate of Marys

Still, I forget. Forget that I am not in this “alone,” forget that I can call on my spiritual crew to assist me with anything, forget that the Triumvirate of Marys is available to all of us, all the time.

Today, rereading the excerpt I posted yesterday from The Third Mary, I remember. I remember all is well. I remember I don’t have to muddle through what’s uncomfortable for me. I remember there is assistance available to me, and that I can give up my picture of how something usually goes and how I usually feel about it, to discover what Divine support shows me instead.

Today is a new beginning, a time to recommit to applying this remembrance as much as I can, because it brings me peace. I can feel fully supported in what I choose to take action on, or realize it’s time for me to make a different choice.

Whenever I read the Third Mary’s words about key players from Biblical times, I feel uplifted. Especially in those rare passages where she speaks of Jesus’s mother Mary. Her energy is so sweet, and clear, so loving and available.

The description of the Triumvirate of Marys is one of my favorites too, because the way they fit together, their cohesion, strength and comprehensiveness as a unit is so palpable to me. It’s just so real.

It’s time for me to tap into feeling their strength and compassion, their love, power and support more frequently. It’s time for me to re-member more fully who I am.

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Message for the Week on Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day

When the Lady Mary Magdalene was but a girl, she revealed to me her substance through her voice, her language, her presence, as well as her choices. She came from the womb more awakened than most and lived out her purpose most grandly. I suspect she may have wished for less intensity to it at times, but her awareness was too strong for her to deny any of her soul’s calling.

She was, and is, of noble stature. Hence she is the Lady Mary Magdalene, throughout all worlds. And she was given this title lately to assure those who are now recognizing her nature that it is such.

Whenever you choose to call upon her, she will assist you to assert your territory, claim your space, witness your vicissitudes and respond with great integrity to your soul’s design. She can help you to heal at all levels and to recognize your purpose more plainly.

She and I and sweet Jesus of Nazareth’s mother, the Triumvirate of Marys, may be called upon as a group to help you restore your confidence in the nature of your coming times, the Great Awakening, the fulfillment of the promise of the Peace of a Million Years Dreaming.

Whenever you call upon we three, you will know your own Divinity’s flow through you more thoroughly, and are empowered to act upon your Highest knowing of this in your world. I can assure you that each one of us is available to each one of you individually/solo, and in tandem with the others.

And we are part of who you are in the world. We help you become more of your Divine Identity. We share your sorrows and fortunes, for it is understood that we are in Oneness with you.

And we can assist you in all your efforts to realize, to actualize, your soul’s nature here on Earth. Whenever you pull together with us, you are fruitful. And in the Grand Design, you are offered many options for achieving your goal, such that all are interwoven possibilities that pull the cord for revealing more and more of your true substance and its glorious relationship to the Creation of Heaven on Earth.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace and Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright 2014, Roslyn McGrath.

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