Mary Magdalene on Emerging from the Political “Shell Game”

I understand it has been a trying time for many concerned about the political clashes happening in your country. Were you to perceive it all from my perspective, it would not appear so all-important. Regardless of apparent “winners” or “losers,” you are all involved primarily in the same game – how to achieve greater harmony and well-being within yourselves and thereby in your world, whether you regard it this way consciously or not. All else is a shell game, a con, in which what you are desiring is always to be found somewhere else.

There is no harm in acting upon your perceptions and making the choices you believe are the best ones available. Simply remember that your wholeness is never based upon the choices and actions of others, and can never be undone. It can only be misperceived and not acted upon, not fully embraced or embodied, based upon your own free will choices.

That being said, there is an over-arching shell game being played out now in your political arena, a kind of cat-and-mouse being played out now in archetypal, larger-than-life terms from both “left” and “right” perspectives. How it is resolved will depend upon the level of cooperation chosen overall by the Higher Minds of key players, and the overall zeitgeist of the country as a whole.

I will have more to say on this topic in the future. This will suffice for now.

I would also like to make all of you aware that the real game lies within your own mind, heart and attitude.

When I was young, there was great political turmoil in our land, and little hope for real change. Yet eventually, it did occur. This is the overall direction of the Universe, though it appears to occur by fits and starts. Stay with it. All will be resolved, in perfect order.

In the meantime, do your best to uplift yourselves and support one another in those ways that you feel truly called to do, in those ways that inspire you and elevate your sense of oneness and wonder. It is indeed a magical Universe, and you are part of it.

Namaste and many blessings to you all.

I am Marie de la Madeleine, Truth-Teller Extraordinaire, and Love of the Wholeness in Each One of You.

Excerpt from the upcoming book, The Family of Magdalene, copyright 2016, Roslyn McGrath. 

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