The Young Mary Magdalene & Your Purpose

Another smidgen from The Third Mary, as I continue to celebrate the third anniversary of receiving her messagecropped-cropped-the-third-mary-sample-cover-3f43.jpgs. Three years ago today, I heard and wrote down the following:

I am the Mother of Mary Magdalene, as well as others. She came to me in a dream before her birth and asked me if I’d be willing to consecrate her to the Goddess. I said, “Of course.” She asked me again. I said, “I will.” She asked once more. I said, “I must.”

It was always this way with her, checking for understanding, searching for Truth, with substance and integrity. I knew when we began our lessons on the Earth plane that she was like no other born to me. She sang rhymes before she would walk. She listened to and watched intently all that was going on around her. She could distinguish shapes and colors long before my others could. She was a marvel. And very headstrong. Once she took it into her head to do something, there was no rest until she had accomplished it.

She was a sunny child too, of cheerful disposition. She would often smile at others when they were down, in such a way that they warmed to her rather than gathering in their fierceness, as often is the way when one tries to assist another that does not want it. They sensed her compassion and responded to this. She knew the ways of the Goddess long before I began to teach her, but she always wanted more of this, and would sit by my knees for hours at a time, when we could do so, drink
ing in the sound of my voice and the concepts played out in our mind’s eyes.

I knew as soon as I began a lesson that it would be hours before she would allow me to finish. She was very set in her desires. And she wanted Truth even more than Love or approval. And she lived her truth quite beautifully, as you are well aware.

I am telling you all this so you will know more about me as well, for I was shaped by her shaping in ways that I was unaware of at the time. It is truly the task for which I was born. All else falls away in comparison, though I will be sharing other parts of my life as well. Still all points come back to this, my one true calling that calls me still.

For it is my time to shine, as well as your own. Within the depths of each being, there lies a code, a code which can only be activated by one’s life purpose and those destined to trigger it.

I am coming to you with a mission relevant to your own, a mission that asks each one of us to look within for the power that moves worlds, turns the earth and stars, and brings us what we each seek in our own fashion, the knowing and experience of Oneness, which is the Truth beyond all Truths.

I am aware of the pain that many feel about the evolution, the coming times, the changes that they perceive within themselves and upon the planet. Yet there is much to enjoy, to celebrate, for the parting with the ways of man are coming soon, and the ideas of Heaven can now allow us to choose the only true alternative, the ways of Oneness, which Christ did much to prepare us for so long ago.

Mary Magdalene worked in tandem wit
h him in this, so many years ago. Yet it had to be hidden, for it was not yet time to reveal her Light. Mankind was in great conflict and the time of women was soon submerged. It is coming to the forefront again, in order to allow the Oneness, the merging, to come into fruition

Excerpt from The Third Mary: 55 Message for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright 2015, Roslyn McGrath.

Reflections on Relationships – Jesus & Mary Magdalene’s & Our Own

The relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene was beautiful from the start. But of course it would be. They came from the same facet of Light, and they knew it.

I always thought that if you follow your heart, you’ll be happy. And I still believe it.

I also know relationships have their challenges too, including our relationships with ourselves, others, work, our environment and so on. And that I don’t tend to feel happy about dealing with these challenges. But because my intention is to resolve them, there is growth, richness, and eventual happiness with the outcome.

The thing is, the outcome is always “out-coming,” i.e., there are no endings, simply continuing opportunities for experience.

In the past couple of weeks, I have heard at least 5 happy relationship stories –  from a young woman whose prior break-up has blossomed into a full-blown and very positive romance; a senior in her first truly honoring, mutually beneficial love relationship; another young woman whose online overseas friendship is steadily building into something more; a joyous, recently engaged couple; and a young couple living together who are honoring and supporting one another through a health challenge.

I take all this as a very good sign.

Last night, Joy Regina Melchezidek and I facilitated Aphrodite Answers – Your Soul’s Beauty Revealed, assisting women to bask in that most primary of relationships – the one with oneself, as well as with the sensory, sensual world. The richness, wisdom and deep soul connections shared were a privilege and honor to be part of.

And I look forward to discovering how this powerful experience is affecting all of our many forms of relationships in the days to come.

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Message of the Week: Jesus & Mary Magdalene’s Early Times Together

When Jesus was three years old and my Mary almost five, they met and played together. It was a wondrous delight to see them together and witness their joy and playfulness.

We regretted they could not be together more often, but we understood the reasons for all this, both internally and socially.

Whenever they were together, all of Life shone more brightly around. They radiated their souls’ energy so profoundly that the air around them was quite charged, and everything seemed more alive and youthful.

Those were special times. We did our best, the other Mary and I, to cloak their privacy from others, that they might have this freedom, this joy of being together, for its own right and to help sustain them in the future. It might have helped them trust their togetherness too, when illusions of separation were presented to them.

But all that was in the future. In this time, their elation in playing together fed our own souls mightily. Whenever I remember those times, I feel that youthful vibrancy and aliveness, that crashing of souls together in glorious frequencies, the magnificence of their purest love.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace and Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright 2014, Roslyn McGrath.

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