Advice on Investigating Hardship: Message for the Week from the Third Mary

When you investigate hardship, remember to increase your awareness of the Light available to you before you get into it, so that you have a framework, a reference point, a clear guidance system to assist you and remind you of what is most real, and what is most assistive, and the state to which “hardship” ultimately returns.

I have many tales of Truth within me. Some you have heard of before, some not. All have salient points for uncovering aspects of your here and now, your current world. As the opportunity arises, I will share them with you and through you. Yet all talks boil down to one thing; it is the LOVE of the Universe that recreates itself and opens the doors of pure potential in ALL things!

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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Help is On the Way: Message of the Week

Good morning, Dear One! I am Mo-Ray of the Archangelic Kingdom, Speaker of Truth, Show-er of the Way, Mother of the Lady Mary Magdalene and Keeper of Harmony through Awareness.

I have come today to tell you I am very aware of the happenings upon the Earth plane today and I am doing everything I can to assist in harmonizing the varied vibrations responding to one another chaotically, in order to allow resolution to naturally arise.

I do not meddle in particular expressions of discord. I work completely on the etheric level to assist, along with many others, including those of higher overall vibration than my own.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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The Third Mary on Love, Grief & Identity: Message of the Week

copyright Roslyn McGrath
copyright Roslyn McGrath

Hello, Dear One! I am Mo-Ray of the Archangelic Kingdom, Speaker of Truth, Show-er of the Way and Witness of the Many Marvels Forthcoming from the Human Light Stream of Evolution. I have come this day to share with you the secret of my supreme countenance, the inner call that sung me into Being, helped me on my way and resides with me still; it is LOVE, pure and simple. It is the SOURCE and REPLENISHMENT of ALL LIFE FORCE Energy and cannot be distilled into anything less than or greater than what it already and always is.

I am an electrified unit of the thoughtform of LOVE, which has no beginning nor end, yet recreates itself through an infinite amount of finite and very diverse units – organisms, matter itself, All-That-Is. Each unit is called up to represent Life/Love in Action in a unique manner relevant to its class/type/kind and cannot be exchanged for any similar unit without disrupting the Order of the cosmos. Many seismic shifts were necessary to create who we are now, yet all these shifts were born through Love and for Love. It is a calling many of your kind disrespect because they believe it weakens them.

That is absolutely not so. To share one’s true vulnerability is an act of great heart and courage—not the “poor me” syndrome, but the true ability to be greatly impacted by another. It is a service that renders the heart open wide, as does real compassion. These acts of strength are vital to the survival of your species, and entrusted explicitly to it for the creation of unparalleled aspects of beauty for the evolution of the whole/All-That-Is. Understand that each loving act is concommittal with the Truth of Reality. Nothing would exist without Love. Nor survive. Its greatness is unparalleled, and you all oftentimes confuse it with other energies—sorrow, pain, jealousy, possessiveness. These are all byproducts of various types of resistances to LOVE. They are not byproducts or a part of LOVE itself.

Even in grief, there is an unloving aspect that would choose to possess the form of another to keep it alive in the way one desires its continuance, rather than its own freedom of choice and self-delineation. After a loved one has moved on from human form, many thoughtwaves may attach themselves around it;“Did I do right by this one? Did this one do right by me? Why has he or she left me? What will I do now? Is he or she okay? How will this affect others?”
All these thoughtwaves are mis-creations, distortions of the ORIGIN of the relationship, which is LOVE!!!!!


CELEBRATE ONE ANOTHER ALL-WAYS!!!!!! There is no lack, only lack of awareness/perception!!!! The energies of the departed are free to explore in new ways, untrammeled by their earthly lifetimes, though they are not unaware or uncaring of them. They simply have ceased to use their earthly vehicles as their main form of expression and movement. They can now exist freely in the etheric realm, though clearly they are able to interface with physical reality, as you can tell by your written communication with me. And yet it is also nonverbal, is it not?
Historically, the human creation was able to access the Unseen Realms more easily overall in the past. Now the veils are lifting and freedom of exchange has vastly increased. You know when you communicate with the other side, as it is called, that you have allowed yourself to open more fully to the non-physical, and it is well you do so, for you must fully acknowledge all aspects of Divinity within and beyond your sense of self in order to help co-create Heaven on Earth. And I assist you in doing so by acknowledging you as a part of who I am, and vice versa, such that we bond beyond either of our conscious knowing for the improvement of All-That-Is. And yes, it does evolve, and each one of us along with it—the true Alta-Organism!!!

I will leave you now to your other activities. I thank you for taking pen in hand to re-choose our communication choice. And so it is and all is well! I thank you dear One! I love you from all the chambers of my Heart.

I remain, as always, Mo-Ray of the Archangelic Kingdom, Speaker of Truth, Show-er of the Way and Live-er Beyond All Expectations of “High” and “Low.” And I am loving you forever and all-ways!!!!!!


Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.


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New Year’s Message from the Third Mary

Dear Hearts,

Now is the time of your rising freedom – freedom from servitude to your lower self, freed from servitude to the thoughts and opinions of others, freedom from issues that have bogged you down, held you back from moving forward in the past.

You have come to this moment through your own willingness to understand enlightenment not as an achievement, not as a thing to be possessed and hopefully maintained, but as an action that leads to further actions and so on, actions that lift your spirit and those of others.

Whenever you expect to create a particular result through your actions, you miss the point. The intended result is simply the impetus, the catalyst, to flowing a particular quality of energy, a particular vibrational reality, that leads to new and ultimately uplifiting states of being.

You are poised at the threshold of delivering such experiences to yourself more and more frequently. And all the Universe applauds your capacity and choice to do so.

May you experience the exhilaration of your own wondrous ride of en-lightening throughout your day, month, year, living and reality.

Namaste and many blessings to you. I am with you all-ways in Truth, Hope, Freedom and Lovingness.

Mary of Niza, mother of the Lady Mary Magdalene, Truth-Speaker Throughout and Beyond All Time, known to many of you as the Third Mary

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Non-Judgment Day: Message for the Week from the Third Mary

Good morning, Dear One! I am Mo-Ray of the Archangelic Kingdom, Speaker of Truth, Show-er of the Way and Analyzer of Peace-Creating Attributes. I have come today to assist you in rectifying your own heart and mind.

In the past, you have many times judged your own actions, as well as that of others, as “good” or “evil.” Whether you actually utilized these terms in your mind is immaterial. The outcome remains the same. And as I have discussed with you, certainly it is important to recognize the relative amounts of light expressed by a thought, action or situation, and indeed it can be a very valuable catalyst for your growth and development. However, once the growth has been triggered, it is time to assist yourself by loosening the hold that judgment has upon you.

For instance, if I had hit my thumb with a hammer accidentally, I would have a powerful catalyst for taking more caution in the future. In fact, it’s imperative for my self-growth, otherwise my trust for myself becomes impaired. But once I have recognized the need for caution, no further catalyst is required, and it would behoove me to accept the experience as a catalyst for growth rather than to continue berating myself for the original lack of caution, i.e. “beating myself up.” (As if the first method of self-injury had not been enough!) This is more than unnecessary, it is a negative occurrence, in which many of you indulge regularly, and it is time to let this pattern go, so you may live in Truth, not neglect or self-abandonment. Heaven on Earth does not have a place for such activities.

When I tell you something is lacking in light, it does not mean it is awful. It means it is a catalyst for expressing more Light, for recognizing that more Light is required in order to create and maintain Heaven on Earth. Once you have recognized this, you can truthfully affirm “I have learnt such-and-such,” or “I am practicing or developing my skills at such-and-such.”

Similarly, when you recognize a need for the expression of greater light in the actions of another, or in a situation, simply affirm what the being is ultimately seeking to develop, if this seems clear to you; acknowledge respectfully to yourself that the person is engaged in a learning process, as we all are; and consider what you might be asking yourself to learn in response to his or her action, particularly if you find yourself responding through negative emotions.

Also, when a situation appears to be expressing a low level of light, consider what kind of a catalyst it may be for those involved, and what positives it might be a catalyst for for you to grow in yourself. This will help to accelerate the process, and dissuade you from “task-tasking” over the affair, as so often occurs, and which only further decreases the amount of Light expression involved. You don’t make yourself “right” or “good” by proving the “wrong” or “evil” of another being’s actions, or of a turn of events in your world.
If this course of action seems improbable to you, simply consider this, “Will I do better by complaining about something or by developing my own ability to shine my own Light more clearly and take appropriate action based upon this Light’s requirements?” Then let all flow as it will.

If you desire assistance releasing judgment, first recognize it as part and parcel of your own search for Truth, rather than “negativizing” it further, and invite your angels to help here. They can assist you greatly, in the timing and manner most appropriate for you. In the meantime, simply ease up on the topic as best you can, and recognize yourself as a pure expression of Divine Light in development, and trust your own growth process.

I would also like to tell you that the day will come when it is very easy to let such judgments go. Think of this as “Non-Judgment Day,” if you like, and know that there are many powerful forces, including your own Higher Will, working in concert to prepare the way for this time, which some have referred to as the Peace of a Million Years of Dreaming. I want you to know you have been selected, and have chosen, a most particular role in this that well suits you. You can choose any number of ways to carry it through, but the role’s essence is quite finely honed by eons of developing true self-expression. And it is good.

I love you with all my heart and I am a part of who you really are. My thanks to you, all-ways, for scribing at this time, and for trusting in our process together.

I remain as always, Mo-Ray of the Archangelic Kingdom, Speaker of Truth, Show-er of the Way, and I am designed to recognize the many aspects of Light in All Creation.

And I am loving and calling upon the Light in each one of you to self-create the world of Your Own Highest Good and that of All-That-Is.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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THIS IS YOUR TIME: Message for the Week from the Third Mary

Each of you holds special keys, certain gifts, that can help unlock the plenty available, the many treasures awaiting you, through establishing Heaven on Earth. And each of you holds in trust the core of your own essence, which it is TIME TO BRING FORTH FULLY NOW AND LIVE IN THE EXPANDED CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE ONE-IS-ALL-IS-ONE!!!!!

This is your real “tribe,” if ever there was one. This is where your allegiance belongs and where your liberation is key to the song of its heart.

I know each of you is growing in accord with your own soul nature and that you are not capable of holding it back much longer. Sing your song NOW, and be proud of your holy birthright in Divinity, as part of the true tribal creation, the real know-how of Being.

This is your time to shine your Light fully and freely. Allow no doubts or lingering beliefs in unworthiness to hold you back. Your harmony is the star of creation and your own willingness to believe in your ability to BE WHO YOU ARE and shine your Light freely and fully is KEY!

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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Mary Magdalene’s Impact On Your Life: Message of the Week from the Third Mary

You may remember from previous conversations I have had with you that I chose to bring the Light through my rearing of the Lady Mary Magdalene as part of this mission. She was a very enlightened child, which does not mean she was omniscient or overly obedient. She was enlightened by knowing and living Truth as best she was able in each stage of her growing up. And she knew she would play a pivotal role in the path of the whole of humanity. When I chose to be her Mother, I knew she was a part of me whose Truth would live forever, though it would be hidden from public view for a very long time. That time has ended and a new time has begun, a time in which you are being asked to participate greatly.

I would like you to consider one thing—what would you be like if you had never known or even considered the power of the Divine Feminine? How would you perceive yourself and your planet? What would you do to create positive change? What kinds of outcomes would you be predicting?

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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The Power of Choice, Commitment & Collaboration: Message of the Week from the Third Mary

When you insist upon Truth, you know its value and can act upon it more readily.

When you insist upon Light, you show yourself moving beyond space and time, coming closer to revealing service directly.

And when you choose Order and/or Union, you allow their binding, their melding, to organize your experience in such a way that you carry your burdens more lightly, and allow your life experiences to transpire through Peace.

Whenever two or more come together to create in the Realm of Embodiment of the Way while upon the Earth plane, its establishment allows more and more Light, Truth, Order, Union, to be experienced by many others. This is always the way when one appoints their Highest Self, their Soul Seed, their Path of Light, to take precedence before other aspects of their Beingness, and allows many powerful potentials to exist within human matter.

Whenever I describe such things, I cannot help but be overjoyed because I know that MANY are choosing Light/Order/Truth/Union as their dominant purpose to set forth in this lifetime from a new vantage point, one that knows that the old tales of good and evil, pain and suffering, are dying out and being replaced by the Truth Beyond illusion, and the experience of Divine Flow into Matter.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright Roslyn McGrath, 2014.

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Message of the Week: The Third Mary’s Early Vision

Good morning! I am Mo-Ray of the Archangelic Kingdom, Mother of the Lady Mary Magdalene, Speaker of Truth, Show-er of the Way and Inviter of the Good to All-That-Is.

I have come today to share with you more of my personal story, as it concerns the upbringing of Lady Mary Magdalene. I have told you of the coven. What I have not told you is that I was a High Priestess within it, and as such was responsible for overseeing much of the education of the young girls.

My own mother was such before me, and she was aware that I was foretold to be the harbinger of much good in the world, to bear precious fruit, so she was quite painstaking in her initiations of me.

Oftentimes, when I was adjusting to new frequencies, I would sit by myself a little while, in a small glade, and avail myself of the opportunity to rest my feet and simply commune with nature without any particular objective.

One such afternoon, I noticed a small frog jumping next to me. But rather than jumping away, he was simply jumping straight up and down, as if to show me something. I looked more closely and indeed, there was a small shining something, almost like a drop of dew, but not quite, and it was too late in the day for that.

Upon continued inspection, I noticed it rocking slightly to one side. I slid a small leaf under it and very carefully brought it closer to my eyes. What I saw was a tiny little being shape-shifting from one form in miniature to another—human, frog, fairy, raptor, each melding into the other in rapid succession.

And I began to notice areas around it changing with each of the being’s change of form. Before long, I began to see whole stories playing out, stories of key elements of my past and one I could only assume would be in my future.

I saw you, and I saw me. I saw the Lady Mary Magdalene as a small child, grown up and grown old. I saw elements of her story with Jesus the Christ. I saw my own role with her and with them too. I trusted my instincts and began to flow with my own sense of inner dialogue there and the stories unfolded more fully, taking on their true dimension and color now.

I was witnessing portions of my own Life Weave in story form, and noticing common themes, as well as moments that appeared specifically emphasized for me to remember more thoroughly than others.

I had the opportunity to make peace with my future, as well as my past, more than once in this process, and though it did not change the events themselves, I could more easily accept and not regret their pre-chosen nature.

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace and Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright 2014, Roslyn McGrath.

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Message for the Week: A Larger View from the Third Mary

I have come to share Truth with you in such a way that you can live it and own it fully! My example allows you to function with greater wholeness and freedom, as I embody the language of the stars as well as that of a more localized and specific human nature.

I espouse the trees, earth, land , water, sky and all species and elements therein. I am wind and I am word, presaging change across your planet, galaxy, world.

I come to you today to speak of the larger viewpoint, the whole within the whole within the points of Light that comprise humanity and All Life, Seen and Unseen.

I view all through the chambers of my own vast heart, and I know each microcosm of the macrocosm fully. . .

Reprinted with permission from The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace and Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene, copyright 2014, Roslyn McGrath.

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