My Positive Daydream

handshakeOne of my positive daydreams is experiencing the world as a place where working together to resolve issues and challenges is so much the norm that people are shocked to see someone take sides or try to create “separate camps,” because working toward unified, overall goals has become the expectation.

In this world, we greatly appreciate the different perspectives, approaches, talents and skills that others bring to the table. We are thrilled that this is enriching the incredible smorgasbord of life, and giving each of us the opportunity to expand our way of perceiving it.

We look forward to our time with others and on our own to continue to soak in the wealth of experiences and possibilities that this Universe offers us.

And we treat ourselves and one another with kindness, knowing that even when we do not understand the motivations behind someone else’s or our own actions, we are all still part of a Greater Whole, a unified source, that we cannot fully comprehend from a human perspective.

Because of our great respect and appreciation for one another, the freedom and confidence to develop individual talents and skills is nourished, and we each receive the incredible benefits of what all the individuals of our world have to offer.

And this wealth is continually expanding, as we each continue to grow our abilities and perspectives, allowing our natural creativity, resourcefulness and talents to lead the way.

I am very fortunate to be living in this time and place, where so much positive potential is preparing to pop!

Please feel free to share your own positive daydreams below.

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Calling All Dreamers: Question of the Week


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Daydream for Paradise: Message for the Week from the Third Mary

starIt is good to allow oneself to dream, envision, positively.

One of your gifts, a gift of all human beings, is the gift of imagination. And to empower yourself to use it POSITIVELY!!!

While is it normal to picture negative possibilities, and helpful to a degree in creating positive outcomes, it would behoove you ALL to DAYDREAM POSITIVELY more often!

You have so MUCH potential in your world and to allow yourselves to envision it positively is SO important, healing, and helpful.

Wrap yourself in the stuff of stardust and envelop your world with POWERFUL POSSIBLE PROGRAMS exuding the energies that reflect your Heavenly Nature and it will accelerate the process of creating Heaven on Earth NOW!

You will find yourself tuning in to these positive visions more and more frequently as they crowd your “Earth radio stations,” as they become a prevalent factor in the thought field suffusing your time/space reality.

There is MUCH power to impart here, and the more you enlist your services to imagine positive Earth stories, the more the energies of these stories will come to influence Earth’s next phase of growth.

We can create a Heavenly experience, we can birth a new Earth Story, together.

Namaste to All, and Many Blessings of Love and Happiness.

I am Mary of Niza, the Third Mary, Mother of the Lady Mary Magdalene, and Speaker of Truth Beyond All Worlds of Imagining!

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